Thursday 23 April 2015

EA6/MA-032 Santuari de Cura SOTA Activation

Gateway to the courtyard on MA-032
A steep winding hill climbs from the village of Algaida up to the Santuari de Cura, which is MA-032. The twisting hillclimb route is popular with club cyclists from all over Europe who throng Mallorca on their racing bikes for the months before it gets too hot to ride - February until May is the busy time for bike riders and bike hire firms in Mallorca. MA-032 is another "drive on activation" with a large car park and restaurant cafe. 

The three of us tucked into a princely lunch before our activation, and I enjoyed a beer. We split again and set up the two stations around 200m apart from each other.  My bands of choice were 10 MHz and 18 MHz, with K4DY on SSB being best DX on 18 MHz. The 5 watt stations were doing the business...

I set up away from any people down a lush grassy track full of wild flowers. The summit area away from the Sanctuary Courtyard area was festoned with communications masts. 

Inside the activation zone on EA6/MA-032
Seemingly there are no concerns regarding the siting of masts etc directly adjacent to historical and archetectural masterpieces in Mallorca.... 

Here is my QSO Map (Thanks ON6ZQ) - 14 QSOs in 25 minutes was my own final total...

EA6/MA-056 same day to follow...

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