Thursday, 26 August 2021

GM/SS-171 Allermuir Hill August 2021

Continuing on our 6 night stay near Edinburgh and on our first full day, we went just south of the city to activate Allermuir Hill GM/SS-171 in the Pentland Hills. There was ample free parking near to Swanston Golf Club. The walk up was popular and was on well maintained paths.  It took us less than an hour. 

A fence runs over the summit and I set up a few metres down from the topograph and trig point. My activity aroused a lot of interest from passing walkers but this didn't cause me any undue problems. I was able to make 46 contacts on HF in less than an hour using CW and SSB.  The station was an Elecraft KX3 (10 watts) with Pico Twin Paddle Key and Sennheiser Headset. A 4 amp Tracer LiFePo battery powered the radio.  A home made link dipole antenna was used on a 5m pole for 20/30/40/60m band operation, with all bands producing contacts. 


This was an enjoyable and straightforward activation on a good day, which left me with plenty of energy and time to activate Arthur's Seat GM/SS-272 later that afternoon.

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