Wednesday, 5 June 2019

GW/MW-004 Pen y Garn - 5th June 2019

I was back in Cardiff again in early June for a few days and had one free day to head up into Mid-Wales and do some activating. I had to be back in Cardiff by 5.00pm on the day for a family meal out, so this restricted me to activating two unique mid-Wales summits on 2m FM. Leaving the city at 6.00am after a two and a half hour drive I was parked up and walking to Pen y Garn MW-004 at around 8.45am. The route taken from the south was a good one, (GPX file now loaded into the SMP). This was a 42 minute walk from the car, mostly on tracks, with some long grass initially. Click the map picture for a better view. 
Room to park one car on the grass near the track to MW-004 GR SN 79117535

At the corner of the wood at SN 79207547 there are the remains of a building, with a piece of rusty apparatus fixed to the ground.  I couldn't work out what this machine did:

An excellent track is reached at SN 792758 and this takes you directly to the shelter on the summit of Pen y Garn. I liked this short section of track through the copse at SN 793762, before the track zig-zagged up on to the higher ground.  

I scored on 2m FM using 40 watts and a vertical dipole, with just five contacts in 12 minutes, two contacts were with operators in the same vehicle - GW4VPX/M and GW4ZHI/M. I made my way back to the car as quickly as I could so I could reach the 2nd summit of MW-038 (Disgwylfa Fawr) by lunchtime.