Thursday, 22 September 2022

FL/NO-009 Roc'h Trududon and FL/NO-022 Roc'h Toullaëron a nice pair

After activating several "drive on summits" in the north of France between the Eurotunnel and Britanny we left the Cote D’Amor area of Brittany and ventured into Finistere for two summits that were worth blogging. FL/NO-009 is the only 2 point summit on this trip so far. We walked about 500m to a way-marker post and set up well away from the TV transmitter, 56 QSOs all told it was busy:


XYL Judy offered to carry TWO folding camping chairs on the one Km walk to FL/NO-022, so long as I carried the picnic. It was a fair deal. I set up in the woodland by the trig point (pictured for @ON4UP - I know Peter likes finding, looking (and sometimes kissing) these small trig points - similar to the ones found in his country). I worked @VE2JCW (20m CW) and @VE1WT (20m SSB), many EU stations and a few Ukrainian stations which is always good, given the current situation. For the first time I operated from a camping chair (Luc @ON7DQ style but without the shelf and umbrella!). I rested the KX3 on my thighs and it worked out really comfortable compared to the usual position of sitting on the ground on a sitmat. I got 46 QSOs - so that gave me exactly 100 QSOs for the day. Best QSO was working Roger @F5LKW F5LKW/P on FL/NO-074. I hadn’t chased the summit before - I had planned to go there to activate FL/NO-074 for the complete on Saturday on our way back across the top of France. The GPX tracks we used to get to both activation points are live on the SMP and SOTLAS.


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